Sunday, November 16, 2014

Training 11/10-11/14

Monday 11/10-
To start all I really want to say is, THANK GOODNESS for deload weeks! haha
Back Squats
3x3 @ 60% =120 lbs
2x 80%=75lbs
1x 85%=80lbs
1x 90%=85lbs

400m run
Fran @ 55 lbs
400 m run
Fran @ 55 lbs
400 m run
**Finished over the time cap of 25 min- probably somewhere closer to 27 min. 
- This workout. Do I really need to say more? After the first round of Fran I was toast. As silly as it may sound, I tried to use the time running, and doing thrusters as my "down time," the time that I was able to recoup and catch my breath for the pull- ups. ugh, those pull-ups... I really wish that I had them down better, like I said in my previous post, doing high volume of some gymnastic movements kills me, and that is what I am hoping to improve. 

I know, I am not cool enough to take off my shirt yet, but it was sooooo hot, and I was so sweaty haha
Tuesday 11/11- 
Veterans Day
9am workout:
Hero WOD- "BLAKE" 
100ft walking lunge w/ 45lb plate over head
24in Box jump
20 Wall Balls #24lb
10 HSPU - I used a 45lb plate and ABMAT to modify

Anthony gave the class a 30 min time cap, within that time I was able to finish 3 rounds, +3 lunges... I kinda feel guilty for not pushing through and finishing through the time cap, but I got a pretty good shinner on my last round of box jumps, and just wanted to be done. 
All in all, thank you Blake for your service and sacrifice. 
Thank you to all the have served, are serving, and will serve. 
I thank you everyday for our freedom. 

workout #2

16min AMRAP
6 push press - #75
12 cleans- #75
24 sit ups
Bearcrawl the width of the room
= 4rds+ 3

after... haha
Adrina and Lawrence were not able to make it to the gym for the Hero WOD, so I told her that I would go back later to workout with her again. Garrett was nice enough to make up this good little burner (after many ideas were nixed by Adrinia and I...haha) My body hated me when I first started the workout, but when the 16 minutes where up it definitely felt nice to have moved after earlier that day, and my binge watching ARROW on NETFLIX. My whole family is totally obsessed with the show, if you haven't watched it you totally should. 

Thursday 11/13-
Heavy Dbl Pwr Snatch- 105lbs
- I was finally able to get into the 100 club! haha. I have been stuck at 95lbs for my snatch forrrrrever! 100 felt like cake, and 105 went up just as easy, it was a good day for me! I attempted 115, but wasn't getting it up high enough ( in my standards haha- meaning I wouldn't have to drop under it at all) but it was nice to test the weight out, who knows what can/will happen come max week ;)
drop to 3x1 @ 90%- 95lbs
RDL 3x5 @ 135

9 min AMRAP
30 Double Unders @ 175lbs
10 Deadlifts
= 4rds+8 reps
-I love deadlifts in a workout, its my absolute fav, and even more I love heavy deadlifts. Its a movement that I can pull a relatively heavy amount of weight for reps, its kinda like my confidence booster. The weight for this workout felt easy, just the way I like it... After my first round I even took off my belt ;) I lifted au natural haha...
But on the other hand, ugh, double unders. A couple weeks ago, they where on point, they felt great! More recently on the other hand I feel like I am struggling, I am not finding a rhythm, and am getting frustrated, which isn't helpful at all in a workout... Once again something that I need to focus on, and practice everyday just to get back into the groove, I guess. 

Friday 11/14-
Clean & Jerk 
x2 @ 80% - 110 lbs
x1 @ 85% - 115lbs
x1 @ 90%- 120lbs

Back Squats
3x3 @ 40 % - 80lbs

10 min AMRAP
10 OHS #65 lbs
100 m run
= 5rds+10
Oh, overhead squats!
-Felt good after this workout, other than my lower back lighting up, I was able to stabilize relatively well and get the OHS done! After the workout I asked Garrett how they looked, he said I was defintily playing with the line of parallel on set, but over all for me, there was improvement! I am happy with that!

Thanks for reading! 
Now that midterms are over, hopefully I can keep my blog posts a little more frequent, rather than getting them in on the weekend! 

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