Monday, September 29, 2014

Training 9/22-9/26

Monday 9/22-
I was in a poopy mood this evening. I wish I was like the person who didn't let people affect them, but that's not who I am. I didn't really want to be at the gym, which isn't like me at all. I didn't want to workout, again, which isn't like me at all. Instead of doing nothing, I did get through the strength and gymnastics. My lower back was still sore from last week, so my front squats weren't quite at 80%, more like 70-75% at 115 lbs.
Hollow Plank – Accumulate 2 min
Strict or Kipping HSPU 5x TQF
Ring Rows x 75
Front Squat 3×5 @ 80%
Tuesday 9/23- "Run Day"
3.06 miles 9:43/mi pace
Blah, I really didn't want to run. I used to love getting up and going out to run, but this past training I have not been feeling it at all. I think it took me an hour and a half before I actually got up and out the door, but when I finally did the run wasn't bad. My legs where a little sore/tight, and I dealt with some cramping of my quads from front squats on Monday. Here in the store, I always tell customers that the hardest part of the run is actually getting out the door, and doing it. I need to start taking my own advice.

Wednesday 9/24- "Run Day"
5.06 miles at a 9:51/mi pace.
I went for my run after teaching the 5pm class at the gym. The weather was perfect. I was very pleased with this run! I went 3 miles before I stopped! When I stopped, I was at the cemetery, and said hello to a friend that passed in May, and well I was a little shaky the rest of my run after that. Ultimately. I was glad that I didn't skip out on my longer run, and that I committed to getting it done!

Thursday 9/25-
150 wall balls for time
Cristal's amazing artwork, and us suffering through wall balls. 
I know, I was supposed to run today... buuuuuut I haven't done "Karen" before, and I want to set a mark for all of the benchmark workouts, so that way in 6 months or so when the gym retests them I have something to mark improvement. I was able to finish this workout sub 10, just barely! I finished at 9:52, being under 10 minutes was a goal for me, and I am glad that I got it. But, at the same time, I know that all of my reps weren't the best they could have been, so it kinda defeats the purpose of doing the workout. I have been beating myself up about it the last couple days, but looking at it, now I have no choice to do better, time and rep wise. 
Friday 9/26-
For time:
2o Burpees over Bar
20 Hang Clean to Thrusters 95/65
Run 400m
10 Hang Clean to Thrusters 115/85
10 Burpees over Bar
Run 2oo m
5 Hang Clean to Thrusters 135/95
5 Burpees Over Bar
100 m run
Let me tell you about not wanting to workout! Man, now that it is dark by 6:45, by that time all I want to do is be home, in my jammies, watching or reading Harry Potter! In the end, I was convinced to do the workout, which ended up being a good one! I was surprised at how easy the thrusters felt, for reps, and as the weight got heavier. I love that feeling, being surprised, its nice haha.  I was able to finish the workout as prescribed, in 12:53. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Training 9/15-9/20

This is what I call HELL week at the gym.

Monday 9/15-
3 rounds of:
20 KB SDHP (70/55)
20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
2o KB Swings ( American, 70/55)
rest 1 min
record time for each individual round

This workout jacked me up. This was the first time that I have done american kettlebell swings at #55 lbs, and I wasn't ready for it, haha. I got through the first round okay, but the last 2 were a drag, I could barely move through them. I finished the workout somewhere around 14 minutes. I immediately dropped to the floor and tried to stretch out my lower back, the rest of the week was history. I was basically babying my back the entire time. 
Tuesday 9/16- 
12  min AMRAP
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
10 Push Jerk (135/95)
5 Pull Ups
10 barbell lunges lunges (135/95 front rack or back rack)
15 Butterfly Sit-ups
I was able to get this workout done at RX, and able to finish 2 rds+ 30 reps within the time cap. I had to wear my belt for the push jerks, and lunges, I felt like I was going to just loose my core if I didn't. I was hoping that I would feel better after this workout, since I got up to move, in comparison to the rest of the day, but who was I kidding haha. 
lunges where tough, my face says it for sure. 
Wednesday 9/17- 
5 rounds of:
200 meter run
12 target burpees
I went to the 5:30 am class this day to visit my BFF Kennia. She isn't able to come to the 7pm class anymore, so I sacrificed some sleep to see her face. It was totally worth it :) For this workout, I set a target around 10 inches, and finished just under 12 minutes. 
Thursday 9/18- "Run Day"
for time:
30 Bear complex
*heavy as possible with good form. 
I really wanted to do this workout, but my back was still killing so I decided I should probably go for a run instead since my half-marathon is only a month away! I ran 3 miles, with a 9:25/mi pace. The run felt good for not running in a little over 5 weeks. After this run I have actively decided that for the next month I am only able to crossfit on Mondays and Fridays, since my running schedule has me running Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Saturday. I kinda hate it, but I feel like I will hate running more on race day if I don't actually start running, no matter how late in the game this is haha. 
Friday 9/19- Rest day- worked on mobility, pull ups , and trying to get chest to bar. 
Saturday 9/20- Saturday workout! 
I made up strength/gymnastic work from Monday.
Handstand Shrugs 5×5 (small range of motion, shrug down and push up)
Ring L-Sit – accumulate 2 min
Kip Arch to Hollow 3×6
Back Squat 3×6 @75% = 145lbs
The workout for the day was a running/partner "Cindy" 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats.
our group was able to get through 2 rounds + 15 reps ( that's each of us doing 1 round of cindy, one person working while 2 others held a plank) and finished with a 800m run.  

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Training 9/10-9/12

This is definitely going to be a shorter post about training, since I already posted about half of the week, but here I go!

Getting through some Thrusters 
Wednesday 9/10- FRAN, enough said. haha (If you don't know, Fran is 21-15-9 rep scheme of Thrusters and Pull-Ups)
The gym has decided to retest some of our benchmark workouts that we did a while ago. I have never actually done Fran. Back in January I logged that we did a AMRAP/running Fran, so I didn't really have a time to beat. This time around, I set the standard. The biggest difference between the two workouts (other than the actual set up) was that I did the workout in January completely modified. I did banded pull ups, and used #45lbs for the weight. Last week I was able to do the workout as RX'd at #65lbs with unassisted pull-ups, and finished in 7:50.

Sometimes seeing your own progress is hard. I can look around the gym, and say "man, she has gotten so strong." or "Geez, pull-ups are so easy for her." (clearly I compare myself to others to much *working on it*) Doing Fran opened my eyes, and helped me see how far I have come since April, which is when I started to go to the gym more frequently, and pushed myself a little more. Looking back I remember how hard a #65lb thruster used to be for me, especially when it came to doing multiple reps. I remember when I had the biggest mental block of life, and couldn't get pull ups. These struggles felt like mountains, mountains that I thought would never get easier, or even worse, that I would never get over.

Throughout this workout the thrusters were the easiest part! Awesome right! But I do feel like I paced myself a little to much on them, this is where I feel that I could have shaved some time off in the workout since I haven't really learned to string my pull-ups together. This is now noted, and I know where to push myself the next time that I attempt the workout. Pull-ups felt relatively easy, I was working out next to Holly, and man that woman pushed me. I wanted to rest so much more, I am so glad that I was next to her, because every time she jumped back up on the bar I knew that I had to get up to. I was able to string a couple reps together, then would drop to singles. I did get a few sets of 3 pull ups, but I felt like my reps were a little short. I wanted this workout to be as accurate as possible so I decided to stick with numbers where I knew the pull-ups where good. After completing the workouts, I know that I can get a faster time. I have a new goal of working to get 5 pull-ups consistently through out a workout. I am excited, it might take a little time, but I know I can get it.

Pull-Ups:The filter makes me look buff ;)!
Thursday 9/11-  
13 years ago, a day I will never forget. A day of vulnerability, but also a day that America stood together. Prayers for all the lives lost that day, for their families. Thank you, to all the men and women who risked their lives that day. 
It may not have been that very day, but this is a day that changed my life forever. My brother, Chris, joined the Marine Corps to protect our country after this day, to end the fight on terrorism. Thank you to all that have taken the oath to protect and serve. 

After Fran, I really didnt want to workout, I was tired and sore. I thought of our workout as a "hero WOD" an hour of hard work for those that have lost their lives due to 9/11.
30 push ups
1 mile run
30 Deadlifts At Body Weight (#155lbs )

Over all I was glad that I was able to get a workout in, it was a good one. I was really surprised how easy the deadlifts where. I broke them up into sets of 10, but I think I could have done sets of 15. I finished the workout in 11:50.

DU during Annie
Friday 9/12-  We tested another benchmark, we did Annie. A rep scheme of 50-40-30-20-10 of double unders and sit ups. UUUUGGGHHH.  I struggle with double unders, and that's where I got most frustrated. I know they are getting better, but when they are bad, they are bad. I turn into a 2 year old and throw my rope on the ground, and curse under my breath haha. Then I take a deep breath, regain my composure and try to get through them. I am stoked that I was able to get 17 in a row one round! That is the most I have ever done! Sit-ups where easy, and I felt like I was getting through them super fast ,I have the butt burn to prove it :( . Every time I do sit-ups, it never fails haha. I was able to finish in a little over 13 minutes at 13:09! It will be interesting to see how improve when we retest them.

These three workouts where a great way to end the week. I have seen how I have improved, and where I have room. This is why I love Crossfit, there is always room for improvement.

Here are some shots from Monday and Tuesday's workouts, getting work done!-

Wall Balls, suck balls.

Sit uuuuuupppps
G2O w/ 95 lbs
lateral jumps over the bar

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Happy Wednesday!

Ugh, I have been so behind with my posts!
I can't believe that we are already half way through the week!
I have been so exhausted lately. I haven't been a full time student in about a year and a half, juggling 2 jobs, and working on my training both running and crossfit, is definitely wearing me thin.

I am not stoked about all of my classes, but am happy with my first semester at state. I am as positive as I can be with school at this point, I know next year will be a good year with more in depth classes. It might be silly, but the class that I want to take the most from is my gymnastics class. I was able to hold myself in a headstand for a few seconds! Whoo hoo! haha.

I have really come to enjoy coaching polo. I was so nervous at first, I loved playing polo, but I knew teaching it would be another story. It is going well! The kids are a great time, and it is overall just a great experience. Because I am coaching, I am not working much at the store other than on weekends. At the moment I feel that may be best, I have been a little stressed with the way things are at the store, it is not an environment I enjoy being in. Addressing issues in the store has become harder and more complicated than I thought it would be. I think taking some time to do something different, find myself, and give myself some time, going back to "normal hours," about 20 per week, will be best for me. The owner of he store has a couple of incentives running, it is pretty awesome to have to chance to sell shoes, and earn some free gear doing so! Keeping me motivated!

The past weeks workouts have been good! (9/4-9/9) It is easy to get into the gym, and get my workouts in, but a whole other story when I am talking about running. I am hoping to get my runs in, throughout this week. I am also hoping to find a running buddy to keep me motivated! Ahhhh, I just hate thinking that I am slowing someone down. Either way, I need to start running, like now, my half marathon is only 5 weeks away! Crazy how fast time flies by!

On another note, I am going for this whole Coconut Oil craze for hair growth. I will do anything to help with faster hair growth, and maintain healthy locks! If anyone has any tips/ their own experiences with it, please let me know! I will keep you posted on how it goes!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Late Post...

Well, we are already halfway through our first week of September!
Times flies, but I am so ready for Fall! 

What have I been up to:
Last week was my first full official week of school, my second week of coaching polo, and the week my "training" for the CVT officially ended.
I had a good week of training at the gym. I would say that my best day was Friday, I was able to PR both my clean from the floor, and my jerk from the rack. I just happened to clean 135# off the floor after finishing the jerk, then I was able to get a solid 140# up! It is so nice when the movements "click" and I am able to get up weight that I can feel is "light" for me but the technique isn't quite there. With more practice, the weight will come, and I can't wait!
Like I said earlier this week, I love CrossFit now more than I ever will. Every time that I walk into the gym I am pretty much getting a new PR, or doing something that I never thought I could do. I love that feeling.

Although training in the gym has been awesome,  I have failed to do is getting my running in for my half marathon training. I am hoping (fingers crossed) to get up tomorrow to get my run in. I am half way through my training before race day, and need to get back on it! I love running, but I have realized that I like training for competitions more haha.

Here is a photo recap of this past weeks training, well more like Friday & Saturday, I wasn't really able to get many pictures from this past week! 

Thanks for reading! 