I know, I know.I said that I would post every Tuesday and Thursday by 10 am PST, and I have failed! I am so so sorry! Sadly my computer died on me and it took me a week to get the hard drive replaced, and get my computer close to where it use to be. I tried to get a post up from the app on my phone, but I am not a fan of typing that way, and not being able to look at everything I have written because I am not on a computer screen.
Note to all that are like me and don’t backup their data as much as they should. DO IT, NOW, this very moment in time, because you never know what could happen. I do not want any of you lovely people to have to go through the heartbreak of losing all of your documents, photos, ect because you haven't backed up your computer. I know not all of us are Mac users, but if you are, they make it super easy with time machine. I went and purchased an external drive, set it up, and now every Thursday I have an alarm set to plug it into my computer and in a whopping 15 min all of my info is backed up and saved!
Well there is my excuse, rant, and advice on technology all in one! But, back to the real topic of this post, Skin Care!
I am just like any other person who has struggled with a skin condition. You can open up my medicine cabinet, and see TONS of different facial cleansers, toners, lotions, and serums and more. Any product was promising to give me the chance at beautiful, clear, skin.
I was recently introduced (not personally, but over the internet haha) to LUSH products by a vlogger I love, Jaclyn Hill, a makeup artist, and her sister Rachel Barkules, an esthetician. I don’t live near a LUSH (but one is coming soon to my area, yey!) I waited until I went into San Francisco, to make sure that I was getting the right products, and boy, did I! I have been using the products now for 2 weeks, (It has been so hard to contain my excitement over them) and my skin has already responded wonderfully to my new routine.
I am using Herbalisim as my facial cleanser, Tea Tree Water for a toner, Enzymion as my moisturizer.
I also purchased Ocean Salt for an exfoliator a couple days a week on my face, and daily on my body ( I have horrible ingrown hairs).
All of these products are made with fresh materials, and if they have synthetics in them they are “safe” or as I say, easy to pronounce and easy to look up to see what they are.
Over all, my face is clearer, toned, and moisturized with a matte feeling, just what I like! With only 2 weeks under my belt, and because my skin has responded wonderfully to LUSH products and I will be keeping this routine as long as I am seeing these results. I will be sure to do another update in a couple of weeks.
My advice is do your research. Talk to estheticians, cosmetologists, dermatologists about what is good for the skin. Pick up a basic anatomy book and learn about how the skins layers work together, how what we do on a day to day basis affects the way our skin looks/responds. Remember, products that work for me, will not necessarily work for you. It is a journey for all of us, but take the time to put your best face forward by finding the products that suit you.