Well hello,
Life has caught up with me, like I figured it would.
I am working and started school, so I now have no life.
First, I cut my hair... and I regret every inch of it.
I know that my hair was dry, brittle and beyond dead... nothing could bring it back to life.
But, I miss is so much :( 6 and a half inches was way to much.
It is not ridiculously short, but I still hate it.
Now that I have vented once again about the fact that I cut my hair, I can fill you in on my workouts.
The last couple blog posts were about my new fitness/health commitment. I have not followed these as intended, I actually forgot that I posted about it, and that I wanted to change and make the commitment to change ( which obviously means I was not really focused on it.
I did start running more, but once school started I can't seem to force myself to wake up early to run on the days that I don't wake up early to teach my spin class... What makes it harder is getting off work the night before at 10, so I am not getting as much sleep as I would like.
I have been struggling with myself for the past couple weeks. I finally dropped 5 lbs, and it seemed to be off for good , I was happy! Then I stepped on the scale the other day and it is back! Ugh, this gets so frustrating. I once again need to re evaluate what I am eating, and my exercise routine.
I have really been struggling with the size of my legs, I know I am strong, but I am not as lean as I would like to be. I just want to look like Stacie Tovar, is that to much to ask for haha!
Last, school is school. Chemistry and Statistics are just not for me... I have to stay as positive as I can with this though, otherwise I know I will just want to drop out... haha
Well thank you blog spot for letting me rant, I hope to keep you a little more up to date, and hopefully with a little more positive of an attitude!